$1,000,000 CARDANO ADA Portfolio Strategy


How many Cardano do I need and I think a good point of reference is just a million-dollar portfolio because who doesn’t want a million dollars if they don’t already have a million dollars.

So we want to talk about how many ADA do you actually need in order to get to a million dollars.

Other than that, if you want to know my conservative views of how many card downloads you might actually need in order to hit a million-dollar portfolio by 2025.

Cardano Price Will Be?

How much will Cardano be by this time? Honestly, when people ask that question, here’s the answer of that.

Your guess is as good as ours because nobody can foresee what is going to happen at the end of the year because if we did and why we would share with you, we’ll profit ourselves.

I don’t really know what difference asking that question makes other than showing that you’re pretty insecure or unconfident about the investment that you made. And if that’s the case, then you really shouldn’t be investing at all.

Here’s my tip don’t invest based on somebody else’s opinion. Because when people ask that question when they ask me that question, I usually just pull it out.

My mentors, they never give price predictions other than for two coins which is Bitcoin and Ethereum, that’s all. And I’m happy about that because you never know what could happen you know world war three could happen. The end of the world can happen at the end of 2021.

So How Can Anybody Possibly Give You a Price Prediction That is Accurate That Far Ahead?

Even when we trade, we trade on price movement. And the furthest my mentors make a prediction on price is pretty much a day or two ahead, and they get it wrong a lot of times too.

I trust their analysis more than my own because they’ve been doing this for years, and there are seven to eight-figure traders.

So the only predictions that I believe in, and I highlight the keyword believe because I think most of you guys asking for predictions don’t really believe in the investments that you hold.

But the only price predictions that I’m willing to give is bitcoin to 300k and Ethereum to 80k in the next five or ten years.

If you’re not holding bitcoin or Ethereum, then those should be standards in your portfolio, so you better get started. This is all intro of today.

How Much ADA You Need Today To Be A Millionaire by 2025

Cardano is really a platform for new businesses so. İt’s really like infrastructure.

Cardano is really like AWS or amazon web service that provides services to companies like Lamborghini, Airbnb, Facebook McDonald’s.

The monthly spend of Netflix, Twitch, Linkedin Facebook on AWS altogether is 58 million dollars monthly.

Amazon web services AWS is amazon’s cash cow now AWS, and Cardano’s business model is quite similar AWS revenue for 2020 accounted for over 50 billion dollars.

And their three biggest spenders on AWS only accounted for one per cent of the revenue. The other 99% comes from the hundreds and thousands of other companies that are hosted on amazon web services.

And these are companies from all around the world. So amazon web services make more money for amazon than their whole e-commerce operation combined.

Cardano is offering something similar in that they are providing infrastructure not to other companies but for blockchain applications.

So other blockchain-based businesses will be running their infrastructure on Cardano, much like the businesses that we have now are running their infrastructure on Amazon.

The idea is that the more valuable the businesses are on the platform than the more valuable the platform.

And this is especially true when it comes to cloud hosting, which Google, Amazon and Microsoft dominate.

So, believe it or not, the switching cost between those companies is a really, really high switching cost between those companies if you want to switch infrastructure from amazon to Microsoft or Google.

Especially if you’re a multi-million dollar company, most companies don’t want to do the switch because they don’t want to incur the cost, so they just suck it up.

The value of Cardano is based on economics. Like anything else, any other coin. İt is based on supply and demand. İn the last bull run, the price of Cardano was completely speculative, and it reached an all-time high of around 1.50 usd.

The fact that there were upgrades during that time, such as nfts being released on Cardano.

But the last upgrade smart contracts that are the granddaddy of all upgrades for Cardano because it is the one missing piece that makes Cardano an abled competitor against Ethereum.

Smart contracts are what will allow Cardano to host businesses on their network, much like Amazon does for all the other businesses that we have right now.

So we are really expecting that the network will completely lift off. In addition to that, the ADA that we’re buying will actually have a use case. İ mean staking is a use case, and it’s great and all.

But when we have decentralized applications dapps on Cardano, and they need ADA to do any sort of transactions, that is definitely going to drive down the supply drive up the demand for ADA.

And during that time, these dapps, these decentralized applications, will be drawing new users to the network. Which further drives up demand, and remember, when the supply is the same and demand goes up, the only way that price can go is up.

That is the basic law of economics 101. İt’s the first thing you learn in economics class.

There Are Three Indicators for ADA’s Future Price:

One Is Ethereum’s Current Standing

Because Ethereum and Cardano are so similar, so we can take a look at where Ethereum currently is and use that as a target.

So taking a look right now, Ethereum’s price is, let’s just give it a 367 billion market cap, and Cardano is reaching almost reaching the 72 billion market cap.

With the introduction of defi and nfts onto the Cardano network, that will pretty much raise its market cap all the way to what Ethereum is right now at 400 billion. But that all require the time and more dapps and Defi’s.

The Second Indicator is Metcalfe’s Law

which tells us that the growth rate of a network is based on the square of the users in the network. So it’s like the network effect.

The more users a network has and the more users that are on it, the more valuable it becomes. Just think of Facebook. Facebook is way more valuable with one billion users than when it had one million users.

The Third Indicator Is The Scorecard Valuation Method

from right now to 2025, it will be mostly speculative on the price of ADA. And if ADA reaches a price of 25 dollars, you will need an average of 40 000 ADA with an average buying of a dollar per coin. And this must be accompanied by a bull run.

I am optimistic about ADA, and I do suggest holding some. However, the majority of people are investing in stocks right now, and I do think that stocks are way overpriced compared to crypto.

If we’re talking between the two cryptos is heavily discounted, and potential rewards are much better compared to stocks. That being said, there will only ever be a 45 billion ADA maximum limit that will ever be made.

Analysis of 25 dollars per ADA brings the market cap to 1.125 billion dollars. Now I can’t see that possibility one day. But right now, I think we are way too far out to say when that will happen.

But with the inflation that we’re currently experiencing and the dollar’s devaluation, that can definitely happen. For me, though, I think that the 500 billion market cap is a very conservative view of the market cap for Cardano.

Give or take, we see that Ethereum’s market cap is already nearly already is basically 400 billion dollars.

500 billion valuations are only 25 more than Ethereum’s current market cap. I’m sure that Ethereum’s market cap will be way higher than 500 billion.

I even think that it might be bitcoin for a period of time. But, just because there’s so much built on it, remember what I said about switching costs. Customers of AWS aren’t customers of Google and Microsoft.

The same might happen here unless you’re a decentralized exchange or aggregator, which benefits you a lot to be on multiple protocols.

But with a 500 billion dollar market cap for ADA, that would mean that each ADA would have to be the price of around 11 usd or so.

To get a million-dollar portfolio divided by dollars, you would need ninety-one thousand ADA, more or less.

İf you used a price of two dollars, that was your average buy-in, and that means that your initial investment was a hundred eighty-two thousand dollars in today’s dollars.

But remember, if you don’t have that much money, if you got in late with ADA, you don’t need that much ten per cent of ninety-one thousand is nine thousand one hundred ADA.

You will still have a six-figure portfolio that will be earning you passive income via staking.

Just to say that you don’t need 91 000 ADA. Just get what you can get. And what you’re satisfied with.

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